Living in communion, promoting participation and committed to gospel mission.
What is Clergy life and Ministry ?
The life of a priest is nourished by word and sacrament, as the priest is one who foremost contemplates the word of God and partakes of the bread of life. And the life of a priest finds its meaning in the midst of God’s people. The natural habitat of the priest is in the field, among people, taking on the ‘smell of the sheep’.
In order to fulfill this vocation the priest himself must give attention to his own ongoing formation and needs: human, intellectual, pastoral and spiritual. The priest is also a collaborator with the bishop of the diocese and along with the faithful, he is called to work with the bishop in a consultative way in order to further the mission of the diocese.
Archbishop’s Council of Priests
The Council of priests finds its place as an organ of communion within the synodal church.
The office of Ministry to Priests was established to assist the Archbishop to support and care for individual priests in different life-situations.
The term “ongoing formation” is a reminder that the one experience of discipleship of those called to the priesthood is never interrupted.
The fund exists to ensure that all priest are equitably and justly remunerated for their parish ministry. It is a way in which priests can support one another in their ministry.
Retirement Foundation
Pope Francis recently spoke of all the hardworking priests who have tirelessly and honorably given their lives in service of God’s people.
The parish is not an outdated institution; precisely because it possesses great flexibility, it can assume quite different contours depending on the openness and missionary creativity of the pastor and the community. Evangelli Gaudium n. 28
Permanent Diaconate
The Second Vatican Council reinvigorated the ancient order of deacons, reinstituting the permanent diaconate. By calling and ordaining deacons the Church is saying something fundamental: that service is at the heart of the human and divine mystery. Deacons are a permanent feature of the Church and the Church is not fully herself wherever deacons, priests or bishops are lacking.